Call for proposals closed
The Dominican Writers Conference 2020
Thank you for submitting your proposals for writing workshops and panel discussions. We are in the process of reviewing them now and will get back to you with a response by mid February.
It gives us great pleasure to announce ¡Atrévete! Daring to Write! as the theme for the second annual Dominican Writers Conference 2020. The forthcoming conference will be held at The City College of New York on May 2nd & 3rd, 2020. Keynote Speaker to TBA.
Writing has always been a revolutionary act. It has been the tool writers have armed themselves with to document and preserve our stories. This year’s conference honors those who are brave enough to take pen to page against anything that threatens us, while at the same time, honoring who we are and the stories that are ours to tell. Being a writer que se atreve a escribir means we are unapologetically giving voice to our communities and we are creating spaces where we all feel represented as Dominicans. The stories we write merge two worlds, the joy and life en la isla Quisqueya and the concrete jungles outside of it. ¡Somos ATREVID@S!
The Dominican Writers Conference was created by a group of Dominican women writers in New York who firmly believe that our stories must be told by us. Our goal is to offer emerging/established Dominican writers and the communities that support us with an event that not only celebrates the important works coming out of the diaspora, but also serves to offer opportunities for more Dominican writers to learn how they can break into publishing.
proposal GUIDELINES:Deadline is January 24th, 2020.
As part of the conference, we invite you to submit a proposal to facilitate an intensive writing workshop and or a panel discussion. Each session should be 60 minutes long including 15 minutes for Q&A. The process will be broken into two phases:
Phase 1: Provide information for your proposal i.e. writing workshop or panel discussion. Complete the form. Please allow 2-3 weeks for a response. If your proposal has been accepted, the planning committee will reach out to you and share the process for Phase 2.
Panel Proposals should include at least one Dominican participant and max five people including the moderator.
Submissions are opened to everyone regardless of cultures, classes, and gender. The proposal MUST offer our community of writers of color with education/information to further develop themselves as proficient writers, additionally professional development proposals are highly encouraged, i.e. writing a query letter, finding a literary agent, choosing the right publisher, etc.
To view the type of workshops and panels we offered during our last conference, please view the 2019 Conference Info packet below. To see an example of a proposal download the Sample Proposal below.