Poesia desde la Negritude
Sun, Feb 28
To join open mic complete form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfprPbYt4VwtsJLvg9tLJiJfsLWv5AKbFovjoZju9YOwOtgOw/viewform To View Join our Youtube Channel via Dominican Writers

Time & Location
Feb 28, 2021, 6:00 PM
Desde la Négritude is an open mic night celebrating Negritude in the diaspora from its diverse perspectives. We invite you to join us in this celebration and to share your creative work with us. Special guests Dominican poets Yaissa Jiménez and Roberto Carlos Garcia. Sign up to participate.
Desde la Négritude es una noche de micrófono abierto en celebración a la Négritude en la diáspora desde sus diversas perspectivas. Les invitamos a acompañarnos en esta celebración y a compartir sus trabajos creativos con nosotros. Inscríbete para participar.
Yaissa Jiménez— Poeta Escritora, poeta, performer y guionista adicta a la observación. Ghost writer, editora, reseñista y desarrolladora de contenido. Es reseñista musical en el medio especializado en música alternativa, discolai.com. Realiza ensayos de opinión y análisis desde la perspectiva racial en el medio contranarrativas.org. Sus ensayos y artículos de opinión exploran temas de afro-descendencia, caribeñidad, feminismo y protección medioambiental. Ritual Papaya 2018 es su primer libro, un compendio de poesía rabiosa, leve isleña y sincrética.
Roberto Carlos Garcia— Poeta Poet, storyteller, and essayist Roberto Carlos Garcia is a self-described “sancocho […] of provisions from the Harlem Renaissance, the Spanish Poets of 1929, the Black Arts Movement, the Nuyorican School, and the Modernists.” Garcia is rigorously interrogative of himself and the world around him, conveying “nakedness of emotion, intent, and experience,” and he writes extensively about the Afro-Latinx and Afro-diasporic experience. Roberto's third collection, [Elegies], is published by Flower Song Press and his second poetry collection, black / Maybe: An Afro Lyric, is available from Willow Books. Roberto’s first collection, Melancolía, is available from Červená Barva Press.
Álida -Host
A Queer Afro-Dominican writer and educator living in Jackson, Mississippi. Her work dissects ideas of identity—blackness, queerness, womanhood, dominicanidad, and language. In 2018, an early edit of her poem diary of a mad black woman: Inaugural Address 2016 was selected among the finalists of ACLU of Mississippi Fight for Freedom competition.