Book a manuscript review
The Dominican Writers Conference is pleased to offer registered conference attendees the opportunity to book a Literary agent/editor, submit your manuscript for review and meet one-on-one during the #DWCAtrevete2020 Conference.
These agents are seeking new clients to represent in fiction and nonfiction.
Literary agents from Flatiron Books, Penguin Random House, Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency, Dial Books for Young Readers, Full Circle Literary, the Writers House will read and review manuscripts in search of prospective clients to meet with at the conference.
Only registered attendees of the #DWCAtrevete2020 are eligible.
You can only submit ONE manuscript to the literary agent/editor of your choice.
You can book more than one literary agent/editor to review the same manuscript, or submit a different manuscript to both.
Review the list of agents and editors, pay attention to the genres they are willing to review.
Select the reviewer by clicking on Reserve Appointment
Select the time you are able to meet with them and pay the booking fee.
You will receive an email with guidelines and instructions for the submission of your manuscript
On day of the conference you will meet one-on-one with the reviewer to discuss your manuscript.
DWA facilitates this service as a benefit to conference attendees, but does not participate in reviewing applications.
Meeting with an agent does not constitute a partnership or relationship or establish representation on behalf of the agency.
Applications are only accepted via Submittable. Upon booking you will receive instructions to submit your manuscript.
Applications will receive one-on-one feedback from the selected agent during the conference. Meetings cannot exceed 15 minutes.
Meetings are a one time service provided to you ONLY during the conference, it does not guarantee the reviewer will continue working with you outside the conference.
The deadline to submit your manuscript is April 5th.