(For beginner, intermediate and advanced writers)
9 WEEK WORKSHOP SERIES October 4th-December 27th, 2020
WFW meets Sunday’s 10/4, 10/11,10/18, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 12/6, 12/20, 12/27
Writing from the Womb (WFW) was established in 2013 by Alicia Anabel Santos. Since then she has midwifed +139 students while nurturing hundreds of others as the founder of the NYC Latina Writers Group @nyclwg (Est. 2006). As the Writing Midwife, she has helped birth countless stories, essays and poems. She offers WFW and WFW the master class (writing intensive) WFW is a nine-week creative writing workshop and WFW the Master Class is a six-week writing intensive where my writers generate close to sixty pages of prose by the end of the workshop.
WFW the nine week creative writing workshop moves at a slower pace than the master class. This workshop is for writers at all levels (beginner to seasoned writer). Who can attend? You are a writer seeking a supportive environment to generate new writing or get back to the page.
Each session combines craft essays, required readings and writing assignments. CRITIQUE WORKSHOPS are required attendance. If you miss a session you will receive a link with the playback video
WFW and WFW MASTER CLASS courses consist of craft lectures on world building, character and plot development, revision and attending required workshops.
In preparation for all workshops you will be required to read a peer's work in progress and offer suggestions for revision. Any additional readings assigned on craft are optional. There will be no homework other than reading peer work and generating new pages, as well as editing and revising your own work. You are working on one project.
WEEK ONE: The essay
WEEK TWO: The memoir
WEEK THREE: The poem
WEEK FIVE: Story structure
WEEK SIX: Point of view
WEEK SEVEN: Writing fiction
WEEK NINE: WORKSHOP THREE / Reading / Celebration
Starting September 30th
WFW $540/ $60 per week
Returning students $35 per week ($315).
Registration is now Closed.
New Students
Returning Students

Writing from the Womb
WFW is a workshop series designed to push writers to connect to the heart of their story. WFW focuses on your writing goals, setting clear intentions and hard deadlines. Using writing prompts and lectures on craft Alicia gently pushes you to dive deeper, dig, and really live inside of your story. The womb is a sacred place. The womb is the place where we conceive and give birth to an idea, a dream, a song or a story. The womb is where the heart of our story resides and where we hold our truths and together we will write from this place. It is her privilege to be your Writing Midwife! For writers at all levels / Cross genres (This workshop is inclusive of all genders and open to the public). Workshops are made possible by Dominican Writers.